Hi 240 owners, Thank you for supporting the cup holder solution.
As a 240 owner, I found it really annoying that there is no cup holder in the cockpit for most of the cars before 90s. Therefore, I designed a simple cup holder that will not block the AC vent or interfere with the shifting. It is durable, easy to install and most important, it is safe for driving.
When you search for “Volvo 240 cup holder” pictures on the web, most results of the cup holder you can find are made by 3D printing or other plastic materials. Those designs not only look unattractive but ruin the classic interior vibe. Also, their installation locations are unsafe for driving. By combining durability, aesthetics, and safety purpose, I finally designed this low-cost cup holder for 240, and it’s suitable for both LHD and RHD vehicles.
Just follow the simple step-by-step instructions provided and you will get a nice cup holder for your lovely 240. If you like my cup holder solution, I would appreciate it if you tag my account @240.twon Instagram and share your cup holder. Cheers!
*Will come without rubber guard and is sold separately. Cup holder is deburred*